Forming Character through Learning Islamic Values in Students: A Study at State Elementary School 085115 Sibolga


  • Fitriyani Simanjuntak SD Negeri 085115 Sibolga
  • Merlina Simamora SMP Negeri 3 Sibolga
  • Shofiah Azizi SD Negeri 084094 Sibolga


Character education, islamic values, elementary school student


Character strengthening education is one of the targets or goals of education in Indonesia. Various methods are used by educators to create students who are capable and have good character. However, in reality the implementation of character strengthening education does not go as expected. There are various factors that become obstacles in its implementation. This study aims to analyze the mechanism of character formation of students through the instillation of Islamic values ​​in elementary schools. This study is a descriptive qualitative study. The subjects of this study were elementary school students. Research data were collected using interview and observation techniques. The data obtained were analyzed using data triangulation techniques. The results of the study showed that the formation of student character through the instillation of Islamic values ​​was successful. This is because Islamic values ​​are very close to students' daily lives. Based on this, character strengthening education can be carried out with an approach to instilling Islamic values.


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How to Cite

Simanjuntak, F., Simamora, M., & Azizi, S. (2025). Forming Character through Learning Islamic Values in Students: A Study at State Elementary School 085115 Sibolga. DARUSSALAM: Scientific Journal of Islamic Education, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from




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