About the Journal
MADINA : Journal of Islamic Studies is published twice a year; in June and December, this Journal functions as a forum for Islamic Studies in Indonesia and other parts of the world in local and global contexts and supports interdisciplinary studies. It has become a medium for diffusion and exchange of ideas and research findings.
MADINA accepts articles written based on research results that meet the following scope: Islamic Education, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Thought and Literature, Islam and Peace, Science & Civilization in Islam, Islam in the regions, Muslim communities, Islamic Law, Islamic Economics and Business, Studies Al-Qur'an and Hadith. Therefore, Indonesian and non-Indonesian academics are invited to publish articles in this journal.
MADINA: Islamic Studies Journal always tries to provide improved quality scientific articles in terms of format, style and academic quality. He continues to publish research and studies related to Islamic studies with various dimensions and approaches. Articles published in journals can be written in Indonesian or English and with fair peer-review procedures.
Journal Title | : MADINA : Journal of Islamic Studies |
Initials | : MADINA |
Frequency | : June, December |
E-ISSN | : 3063-6612 |
Chief Editor | : Muhammad Roihan Daulay |
DOI Prefix | : https://doi.org/10.62945/madina |
Accreditation | : - |
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Current Issue
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): JUNE 2024
MADINA : Journal Of Islamic Studies is published twice a year; in June and December, this Journal functions as a forum for Islamic Studies in Indonesia and other parts of the world in local and global contexts and supports interdisciplinary studies. It has become a medium for diffusion and exchange of ideas and research findings. MADINA accepts articles written based on research results that meet the following scope: Islamic Education, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Thought and Literature, Islam and Peace, Science & Civilization in Islam, Islam in the regions, Muslim communities, Islamic Law, Islamic Economics and Business, Studies Al-Qur'an and Hadith. Therefore, Indonesian and non-Indonesian academics are invited to publish articles in this journal.
Discussion Method as an Effort to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Fiqh Learning: A Classroom Action Research
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Problem Based Learning Model: How Can This Model Improve Students' Learning Motivation in Qur'an Hadith Subjects?
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Efforts to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Islamic Religious Education Learning with a Contextual Approach
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Utilization of Discovery Learning Model as an Effort to Increase Student Creativity in Islamic Religious Education Learning
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Efforts to Improve Students' Analytical Skills in Islamic Religious Education Learning by Using the Discovery Learning Model
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Make a Match Type Cooperative Model: An Effort to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Qur'an Hadith Learning
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